Just a little about us...
We are a loving family following Jesus. We do not have it all together but our glorious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, does!
We are a loving family following Jesus. We do not have it all together but our glorious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, does!
Jerome Prairie Bible Church is a non-denominational church established by a circuit riding preacher in the early 1900's. Our first building was a log cabin built entirely by volunteer labor and the donations of the community in 1932.
Here at JPBible we believe life is about relationships rather than religion. We are a friendly family of normal people who are learning to live by faith. Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Grace is our treasure. We are committed to loving and accepting people as they are, not as they wished they were. We don’t play church. We are the church. We are committed to making disciples who love as Jesus loves throughout the Grants Pass area and around the world.
Here at JPBible we believe life is about relationships rather than religion. We are a friendly family of normal people who are learning to live by faith. Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Grace is our treasure. We are committed to loving and accepting people as they are, not as they wished they were. We don’t play church. We are the church. We are committed to making disciples who love as Jesus loves throughout the Grants Pass area and around the world.

James Downing
James is a passionate Bible teacher who loves sharing the love and life of Jesus with people. He is very focused on application, that is, helping people see how the Bible practically relates to their daily lives. He married his best friend, Suzie, in 1980 and they have three fun sons. They were called to JPBC in 1991 after pastoring nine years in Carson City, Nevada. Today, their three sons are grown. Two are married and live in the Portland/Vancouver area, and one is currently living in Grants Pass. They have one granddaughter and three grandsons.

Jared Major
Jared and his wife Bana began training for ministry with Ethnos360 (formerly New Tribes Mission) in 2005, ultimately serving in the Philippines in 2009. They served the Ilocano people for 12 years in Valley Cove, a small coastal tribe in the northern region of the island. They have four children – Naomi, Lydia, Evangeline and Judah. Jared and family returned to the States in 2021, and Jared became Associate Pastor of JP Bible in March of that same year. Jared continues to be a big part of our Global Missions Team, as well as co-teaching the Sunday messages with James.

Expanding the vision...
We believe that Jesus gave His life for us, to give His life to us, to live His life through us. As we demonstrate His love in authentic relationships, we share Him with each other, encouraging each other to keep Him the focus of our hearts and lives.
Where we are headed...
We are growing disciples of Jesus throughout the Grants Pass area and around the world. Jesus loves Grants Pass, and Jesus loves you! We are engaged in working with and supporting numerous compassionate local Christ-focused organizations to bring His love to others. And we are investing our hearts and resources to proclaim the gospel in several under-reached countries as well as through Bible translation projects to make God's word available to people in their heart language.